KF0NYB-10 is our newest Winlink Gateway in Grand Junction! You can reach KF0NYB-10 on 440.750 VaraFM Wide/Narrow. Also, AE0WZ-10 is now on 440.750 VaraFM Wide/Narrow. And yes, you can use…
Club Picnic! – Saturday September 14th!
Don’t miss out on a change to hang out with your radio friends, eat some good food & talk about, you guessed it, Amateur Radio! This year we will be…
New 1200 Baud Packet Winlink Gateway in the Grand Valley!
K0DZ-10 Winlink Gateway has just added 1200 baud Packet connectivity on 145.010! You can connect to the K0DZ-10 gateway via: 145.010 1200 baud Packet 145.090 VaraFM Narrow/Wide 440.700 VaraFM Narrow/Wide…
IC-7300, Kenwood TH-D74, 1950s National NC-88 Receiver and more for sale in the 24/7 Hamfest Forum
Club members, keep your eyes on the 24/7 Hamfest Forum area. You might miss out on something you need! An Icom IC-7300, a Kenwood TH-D74A, an Icom IC-7610 or maybe…
New VaraFM Winlink Gateway! AE0WZ-10 is on 440.700Mhz
There is a new VaraFM Winlink Gateway serving Grand Junction and the surrounding area! AE0WZ-10 is on 440.700 Mhz and is located in Fruita. Try reaching it directly, or via…
Many new listings in the Buy/Sell forum
WCARC members please visit the Buy/Sell/Trade forum in the club members area to see the many newly-listed items!
WCARC ARRL Field Day Site!
The ARRL field day website shows the WCARC field day location as Whitewater since that is the closest town. What you will want to do is turn South at Whitewater…
EmComm Presentation at the June 8th Club Meeting!
Come join us this Saturday at 9:30am for the WCARC June Club Meeting! Chip N0WKR and Randy KD0NSP will be presenting on recent events that the Mesa County ARES group…
Grand Junction Area Repeaters – Updated
The Grand Junction Area Repeaters page has been updated to reflect the new WestCO Repeaters going in soon at Baxter Pass as well as the removal of the Collbran repeater,…